I was on the bus on my way to work and turned to the left to see this hideous monstrosity. First off, the tights are horrible. Just horrible! WTF? What would make you even buy those?? Either wear opaque plain tights or fishnets not some stupid pair that look like that. Their totally unflattering and frankly just fucking weird.
On to the true reason for this post. The UGHS. Why oh WHY do women insist on wearing them? What you're going to change into your heels at work? Then wear a pair of fucking reeboks on your commute they would be better, at least you could claim your a "working girl." I mean come on! UGGS are on the same level as CROCS. They should not be worn, in fact they should all be destroyed.
If you can't handle wearing shoes with a heel on your way in and out of work then wear fucking flats.
I can only image this one getting ready, putting on her fancy tights, slipping on the comfy fur lined UGGS to look in the mirror one last time before leaving thinking to herself "damn I look good."
God damn it why is there no such thing as fashion police? If there was sure as shit she'd be arrested.
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