I'm home tonight cleaning, blogging and watching LOST..... I don't want to hear it. I played all week and got lots of shit done tonight. I mean GOD DAMN I caught up with LOST tonight. AND THAT EPSIODE WAS FUCKING WORTH NOT GOING OUT.
So fuck off with the judgement. That's my job. I cleaned my place, got all my laundry done, paid bills and watched LOST (OMG SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING GOOD) and you don't know how busy I am tomorrow.
I was bad enough last night to cover two nights out. :) I mean come on, I got home last night this morning. Its not my fault I had to make fun for myself cause Brooklyn bowl was too hipster for me....
The moral of this story? Sometimes its better to stay in and enjoy what you have than creating something that makes you happy for one night.
Because more often than not you would prefer to wake up in your own bed.....
p.s. that photo is my view (if you look to the left) bitches