Let's get it straight from the get go. This is not a fucking LOST recap. That's not my job. There are plenty of sites out there that recap amazingly (zap2it, eonline, etc, etc.). The point of this post is for me to tell everyone bitching about the series finale to shut the fuck up.
Immediately after the show was over I hated it. Then I watched Jimmy Kimmel Live, proceeded to stay up till 3am pondering and thinking about what I saw, fell asleep somehow and then woke up at 7:30 to read every recap on the interweb - not because i'm an idiot that needed anything explained - but just to make sure we were all on the same page. And when I say "we" I mean me and the smart recappers, not me and the 7 million retards that are bitching right now.
This episode was a goodbye to the fans, but it also enabled fans to say goodbye to a show they have loved the past 6 years (even longer!)
I loved seeing the old characters (Shannon! Boone!) and loved even more when they individually "woke up" most especially Sawyer and Juliet. I cried like a baby both times (yes I re watched the show last night) I watched their scene together. It was great see all the major players find their loves again, but more importantly than that they got their lives back so that they could move on...and by moving on I mean heaven.
Ugh, yes we knew this whole time this show had underlying religious tones, hell mid way through the first season we were all insistent that the island was purgatory. We knew all of this, but yet the moment it was shoved in our face we got a little turned off - and when I say "we" I mean whoever didn't like it.
The whole theme of this last episode was "moving on." So now its time we move on as well.
Lets get it straight, because I have come across many, many, many people who had no idea what just went down - everything on the island happened, everything from the moment they crashed till Jack's eye closed. The alternate reality this season was purgatory. Then when Jack finally woke up and realized that wasn't his real life, that the island times was they all went to heaven. And no they didn't all die at the same time - some died before him and some died later, much later. There is no time there is no place, it is just being.
Its fucking purgatory people! It can't be explained, MOVE ON.
How else would they end the show? Can you think of a better ending? Really can you? I fucking doubt it. If the creators of the God Damn show couldn't do better then neither could you.
now fuck off.