Above is a one of the many promo photos for the Miss USA pagent. Apparently this is offensive to some. Why? Well apparently its objectifying the women enrolled in the competition, its too racy, sexy, blah blah blah...
Ummm isn't this the same pagent that makes women walk around in string bikinis - with their fake tits not moving - and then be judged?
They are being judged on how they look. How appealing, beautiful even sexy they are. The smartest chick isn't winning this shindig. Its the most attractive. The one who will garner the most attention. And that is more than likely - the sexiest.
Now let me ask another question. Who still watches this? It's supposedly airing on TV this weekend, did anyone know this? (cause I sure as hell didn't) anyone? besides those pagent moms who are trying to earn a living off of their 6 year old blonde daughters' looks? No one. I bet you didn't even know this was coming up - you do now don't you?
Nice work Donald Trump. Yesss nice work. That's right lets not forget who owns this whole thing. The Donald. Its all about publicity.
In my opinion, this competition in general objectifies women. Not the pictures. These pictures to me show these women saying "yea we look good, we are sexy, don't you want to look like us?" They are embracing their sexuality and that's empowering. The competition tells insecure women that you have to look perfect in both an evening gown and bathing suit, be able to have one talent and want world peace to be perfectly beautiful, attractive and wanted.
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