Can I get a fuck yes on that one? FUCK YES!
Now of course not everyone is as happy as I am about this. These people are retarded pussies. They say the Superbowl should stay being played in either warm weather areas or domes (cue the eye roll.).
Football was meant to be played by men. In the elements. There should be a Superbowl in NY or New England or Buffalo. How amazing would it be to watch a Superbowl played in the snow? This is a mans sport. Not a gentleman's sport - a man's sport. There is no time for little whining pussies who are cold. Fuck that shit.
I would totally go to the Superbowl (or atleast try to ) if it was in Giants Stadium. People are saying its not fair to fans as they might get a little chilly. Oh shut the fuck up. Any true football fan would wear 10 layers of clothes a parka, long johns, anything they needed to and sit freezing there ass off watching the Superbowl.
Any one hear of Green Bay? That stadium I think is full for every game.
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