I've done a lot of things in my life (none of which I will be listing out here thank you very much, there are some things I probably should keep to myself) but there are certain things I feel are off limits.
Of course there are the basics - crack, being an alcoholic at 12, watching one tree hill, etc, etc. However I feel there is one thing that people don't realize should be off limits, and that is - drum roll please! - cocaine.
Now granted some may argue that there are times when cocaine is OK - such as when you are in Vegas, or you're a guy (or a girl) who has ended up in a threesome with two bi-sexual twins - I'll grant you those two but overall cocaine is NOT OK.
I mean I really don't get the point of it, you get all drunk do a few lines and your sober again. So you drop another chunk of money to get drunk all over again to then do more coke and then get sober and......it is a vicious cycle - one in which you end up in an underground poker game in spanish harlem (that is a true story for a later date.).
I must say I loose total respect for people when they say they dance with the white devil. I guess I loose respect for anyone for that matter that shoves shit up their nose. Its not a pleasant drug to do - all the snorting and the feel of coke dripping down your throat like a massive ball of snot - but overall it makes you annoying.
People on coke don't shut the fuck up. They yammer on talking incessant nonsense all the while have coke breath and beady little eyes. Plus once a conversation gets interesting, they are off to the bathroom to do more.
God, waiting on a bathroom line to do a drug. That in itself should make you realize you're an idiot.
And lets not mention the limp dick that occurs in men...huh. That just made me think of something...
In any event, just say no.
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