Monday, July 26, 2010

Music Monday!

Monday as we all know is the worst day of the week. When I wake up on Mondays the first thing that pops into my head is one word. UGH. Its the one day every week I seriously consider calling in sick.

On Monday I look at all my fellow commuters and everyone is clearly over it. It seems like every single person hates their life. Hey I don't blame them - its fucking Monday. We've all had great weekends (well maybe yours was shit but mine wasn't) and now its all over. Back to the grind.

Most Mondays (well not most - every Monday) I am like everyone else. Pissed as shit that I have to go to work and I am mentally begging that someone does something retarded to me or around me so I can go off on them and get out some aggression. But not today..why you ask? Well because I created the most awesome Monday morning playlist.

Seriously it's awesome. You'll see in a second. It starts off slow and then builds up to the point where I ready for my Monday and its going to kick ass. And seriously, this day hasn't been so bad so far - though granted it is only lunchtime (yes kids I'm on my lunch break I'm not procrastinating or slacking off.).

So here it goes, I 100% support and approve this playlist. Go ahead and be a copy cat you'll thank me for it later. Don't say I never did anything nice for you:

1. Lisztomania by Phoenix This is played 2x yes I repeat it, totally worth it.
2. 1901 by Phoenix
3. No One Loves Me & Neither Do I by Them Crooked Vultures
4. Kill me Carolyn by The Whigs
5. Jerk it by Thunderheist
6. The Pursuit of Happiness (Them Jeans Remix) by Kid Cudi
7. Born Free by M.I.A

I have a short commute so you might have to add on to this. My list starts the moment I lock my door till I sit at my desk. Now granted I hate M.I.A with a passion as a person but the music to Born Free is so loud and hard, so fucking kick assing that its a "I'm totally going to conquer this fucking day, fuck it if its Monday" song that had to be included.


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