Welcome to Fashion Fuck up of the day (week?) I haven't decided yet if this will be a daily or weekly post. Maybe in September, March and when the shows are going on it will be daily and then I will change it to a weekly. Or I will do what ever the hell I want and post Fashion fuck ups as I see fit.
So here we go! First one up is......Marc Jacobs September 2009 Vogue Magazine ad!
As Miz Wino would say: "What kind of fuckery is this?"
Shall I start from the top? Or bottom? Lets go from the bottom up:
#1: Z Cavericchi diaper pleated pants
#2: These above mentioned pants are acid wash purple
#3: The thin man's belt
#4: The top half of a hideous prom dress
#5: Winged out eyeshadow
#6: The Jersey hair
And thats just the outfit. I can not even begin to address the room and those god forsaken curtains. What the fuck? What the fuckity fuck is this? The 80's are dead. Excuse me the 80's and early 90's are dead, there is absolutely, positively no fucking reason TO.BRING.THIS.STYLE.BACK. The music: TOTALLY! The clothes: Dont you fucking dare.
It doesn't look pleasing at all. Come one who the hell wants to wear this crap? Is it a joke? It better be. But if its not and I she someone wearing this shit I am going to beat the crap out of them.
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