Thursday, September 17, 2009

La Sigh

This will be my only post on La Lohan. Unless she dies.

Mizz Lohan twatted today (or yesterday who cares) the following:

"Hahahaha my publicist just called me & said she heard I was in a psych ward!!!! Hahaha WHAT IS WRONG with people???? I'm working lol."

"BUT that's one I've NEVER heard about myself before! New ones r always interesting huh? There's SO much more going on in the world! Wake up."

Really? You need to be in a psych ward!! Do you think people give a shit anymore if you are alive or dead? Puh-leazze sleaze. You are any and all of the following: white trash, whore, slut, dirty, bad actor, horrendous singer, addict, alcoholic, bi polar, fake lesbian, a horrible horrible dresser that has no business being in a Fashion house, shall I go on?

When was the last time you actually worked? Don't you get it? you're what? 22, 23 and you are a has been, a HASBEEN! you have pass rock bottom, you.are.a.JOKE. You are so far gone truly no one cares. Hell even your lezzy lover doesn't care.

The only ones that might care are your trashtastic parents, and that's only for your money. Those two fucked you up good (however you had to know it was going to happen you are from Long Island) and at this point are thinking you are too out of it to notice all of the money they are taking from your checking account (not theirs, yours).

The last good movie you were in was what? The parent trap? (I didn't see mean girls so you know can't say it was that) you could have been in The Hangover but you passed on that just like I pass on holy now its either straight to video or porn. I thinking porn will start up right after Christmas. Lets start the new year off right.

Listen you need to check your head go back to rehab, get cleaned up. Emancipate yourself from your parents get a good team around you and come back in a year new and improved and start all over again.

If not, I expect you to fall off the face of the Earth in 3...2...1....

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