Ugh. I just realized I started a post with the title: Really??? I once got an email from a friend with that as the subject line.... long story short I am NOT speaking to her anymore. And frankly I never liked her (you really think you can start a fight with me over email and win?? I think not)
Anybipolarcrazyladyway remind me to never do that again (title a post with Really??? again)
However I say Really??? because douche Jon Gosselin, almost ex husband of cunty Kate is sending their two German Shepherd's back to the breeder. Why you animal lovers ask? Well because these two are a fucked up reality show couple. But also because Jon is blaming Kate as supposedly Kate won't take care of them when he's not at the house.
See now, I don't watch the show. I maybe seen a spot here and there on the soup, and from there I know they never liked or more importantly loved eachother but they do love the spotlight. So douchemanjon is now getting publicity sending his children's beloved dogs back. Jon, let me be the first to say it (or the millionth, I lost count) YOU.ARE.A.FUCKING.ASSHOLE. You don't care about you children, the mother of your children or more importantly DOGS.
How does one raise a dog and then send it back to the breeder?!?!?! Someone obviously who does not care about anything but himself. You do not, I repeat, DO NOT send back grown dogs to a breeder, what kind of life will they have if someone doesn't rescue them immediately? A life worse than you with Kate. I heard you wanted to kill yourself earlier today. You should. Get busy dying, cause we (well me) don't want you on this earth anymore.
image via this stupid site
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