Umm....right now its 85 degrees and humid (its 9:45ish). When I took this picture it was - oh I don't know - 95 degrees and humid.
Today was the type of day that the term "back sweat dripping down to my ass" or "It's hot as balls out there" was invented. The moment you stepped a toe outside you started sweating.
But this chick? Apparently she is a little chilly. Let take notes:
- tight ass skinny jeans
- flannel - I repeat - flannel shirt
- closed toe booties
- scarf
A fucking scarf. A fucking scarf. Dude seriously. Today is the type of day that it should be legal to walk around naked. Or in a bathing suit. She is in a train station with a scarf! A SCARF! I can't even begin to comprehend this. Train stations are hotter than the hell on earth it is outside!
I was sweating the moment I stepped outside. If I was wearing that I would have pass the fuck out from heat stroke. There is only 3 reasons I can come up with as to why she is wearing this.
#1 She lives on the equator where its 130 degrees and humid so 95 is a tad chilly to her.
#2 She is a demon from hell and so of course she is a little cold - I mean durrr of course she would be cold if she is from hell.
#3 She fucking retarded.
If this picture was showed on Jeopardy it would go something like this:
Answer: Someone who is fucking retarded.
Jeopardy Question/Answer: Who in their right mind is wearing this shit on a NYC HEATWAVE DAY??
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