Well one of the most, this happens twice a year - the start of a new fashion season! We have two of these wonderful times - beginning of September for the Fall/Winter season and beginning of March for the Spring/Summer.
Now of course my preference is the Spring/Summer season, well duh, I hate the cold. However what I love, love, love! about Fall/Winter are the shoes. Knee high boots, and now this season coming - thigh high boots (annnd I already picked out the ones I am getting this weekend), closed toe pumps and booties.
Sigh, if there is a heaven for me it would be a shoe dept. Particularly the Bloomingdale's shoe dept.
I have already decided what my look for fall is - and hell no I am not telling you! I don't want you copying my look. Its all mine.
But, I will show you my amazing! purchase today. Yes it is the picture up top of the most beautiful shoe I have seen, today.
Now, I went to the doctor and the doctor is on the block of that hideous, disgusting, should be burned to the ground store called crocs. I was on the phone with a friend after said doctor appt and was flipping out about the croc store of course, I then turn the corner looked in a store window and I stopped.
He was mid sentence when I rudely interrupted him to say "Those are the most beautiful shoes in the world." Anyone who knows me personally knows my infatuation with shoes. If I pass a store with a pair of shoes I deem cute, beautiful or amazingly fabulous I will stop and more often than not walk right into the store to try them on.
The price does not matter. Seriously. If I can walk in them - and trust I will walk around in the shoes for about 15 minutes in the store to make sure they are comfy - I buy them.
So back to my acquisition today. Its really hard to tell in the picture, but they are a beautiful bright navy blue, in suede - suede! Who doesn't love suede? Did you see that heel? Its perfect! And the ankle strap? ahhhh sexy shoes.....love, love, love! These shoes will be good with skinny jeans or a skirt, and I already have in my closet 5 outfits that work with them.
And just to go the extra mile I am getting them in black too. They didn't have them at that store but they are having the warehouse ship them and they will call me when they come in. Which will be tomorrow. Yes I am that person. I once tried on a pair of Prada flats at Barneys, needed a half size bigger and had the sales person call Barneys in California since they had them and they Fedexed them to me. Let us not forget the infamous, take that outfit off the mannequin I want to try it on incident (they didn't have my size on the rack) the bitch sales person proceeded to say "its a zero" I stared her down, got the outfit put it on and proceeded to walk out, find her (of course she was helping another customer) and said "yea I will be taking it, but note its little big." Stupid ass she was.
I digress...back to my shoes.
No I am not telling you where I got them, nor how much I spent. Again, I really hate seeing people with my shit. Yes, Yes its mean, but to be fair, if someone asks me I will tell them, I do, I don't lie (I kinda can't its weird) but I will not put them out on blast right now when someone else can run up in there and buy 'em.
Shoes are meant to be discovered by the wearer. Its a relationship. You need to walk by a store and turn your head because you feel...something and that's when you see them. The shoe you need, want, or have always wanted.
Is this bizarre to you? Maybe. But that's my thing, shoes, I'm sure you have your thing. Whether its cardigans, bags, tools, dick - I don't know and I don't care.
All I care about right now is all the new boots and clothes I am going to buy this weekend.
American Express is going to love me by the end of it and I will hate the bill when it comes but god damn it I will look good!
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