It was gagalicious. I had a blast. Even though I was far up in the second to last row it was one of the better concerts I have been to in a while. I was impressed with her. She sang live the entire time, had fantastic costumes, danced her ass off and hyped up the crowed. I danced the entire time.
However, it felt too..what's the word i'm looking for? Rehearsed? Perfect? I felt it should have or would have been grittier, more low down not a seasoned perfectly perfect show.
Makes sense no? I didn't think so.
See, to me Gaga is or portrays herself as an artist, she is a performer but more of an anti performer, more of a shocker than a perfectionist like Madonna. It felt like a standard world tour show at some points, like she had a checklist given to her by someone else:
- singing - check
- talk to the crowd - check
- fancy costumes - check
- fancy lighting - check
There was no encore, she went through her full album soup to nuts and didn't change anything up. No new mixes to songs or even anything new or unheard of.
Maybe I was expecting her to live up more to her "out there" persona.
Though I would totally see her again next time she tours.
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