Le Sigh. Really? Really?? This is just a big ipod touch / iphone. Minus the phone and camera.
What the fuck am I supposed to do with this? Carry it in my bag that already contains the ipod and iphone?
Apparently it was created to kill kindle. Well I already thought the kindle was stupid and needed to be destroyed so I'm not interested in a mac version of it.
So you can play games on it, read newspapers (as a friend told me today "I can read my paper in the morning on it like i'm the future) and books and download (as well as listen?) to music.
Let me repeat my self:
This is just a big ipod touch / iphone . Minus the phone and camera.
What the fuck am I supposed to do with this? Carry it in my bag that already contains the ipod and iphone?
Maybe i'm old fashioned, I prefer to read my books and newspapers while I hold them in my hand. Or maybe I think apple needs to just stop trying to kill everything PC and create a tech monopoly.
I fucking hate apple, I truly do. They force you to buy a new ipod or computer every year because they hold back functions for the next generations of each product. Their products die most often than not the day after the standard 1- year warranty ends.
If you wanted to impress me you should have made this a tablet computer. Make is so that you could have all the graphic programs on it like photoshop, illustrator and indesign. So its even more on the go than an air book. Also they should have a fucking phone function on it and you can just bluetooth calls to those douchey ear pieces.
Again sigh. Do I really have to tell you all this? You know the next generation will have all this shit on it.
But here's the thing, I said it first so if they do it I'll sue 'em. It probably won't work but it'll totally piss them off.
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