Do you really need to be friends? What is the point? Why would you want to be friends?
Could you really have brunch, lunch or dinner and discuss with your ex the new guy/girl your fucking? Or your next conquest?
Do you want to rub it in that you are doing fucking fantastic and can't believe you wasted 10 years of your life?
Do you want to hear that your ex has reverted back to his high school friends, sit across from him wondering if he is doing coke, and thinking the whole time how many cute boys are at my favorite bar right now?
Ok, that last part might just be be me. But when the relationship ends whats the point to hold on to one last little piece of the relationship and make idle chit chat over text, like "how was your weekend?" "How are things?"
See... when I get these texts I think two things: 1) UGH. 2) If I don't respond does that make be an even bigger asshole then I was for ending it?
I have asked many people if they are friends with exes. And pretty much across the board its a big fat NO. No one sees the point.
And I agree. You're never going to be able to truly be friends. Its done, over, FINITO
So now I get to be the asshole and not respond to texts. Oh well its not like I don't make a habit of ignoring boys after I'm done with them. I do it more often than you think. Its like a part time job for me.
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