This past Saturday night, right wing conservative radio host - and all around crazy bastard - Rush Limbaugh got married for the 4th time - i'm sorry 4th? How the hell is this fat, homophobe, racist fuck finding 4 separate women to marry him?? - sorry i'm going off topic here...
So yes, Rush got married Saturday night and who performed at his wedding? Sir Elton John.
That's right Sir Elton fucking John. Who's gay. As well an activist for Gay and AIDS rights.
Doesn't Rush fall into the category of idiots who think AIDS was created by god to punish the gays? (I might have just made that up but I have a feeling I am right).
Well my friends it seems that everyone has a price. Everyone is willing to sell their soul to the devil. Elton's price? One Million Dollars.
Does he really need that money? Is it worth it? Does he not see how offensive that is to every other gay, lesbian, transexual, etc? Everyone he is an activist for? That he in a sense represents?
Now I'm no fan of the Johnster, but if I was I wouldn't ever buy an album of his again. The GLBT should boycott him.
You know the most fucked up thing about this? That a piece of shit like Rush can get married 4 times and in essence make a mockery of the sacred union of marriage but two men or women who love each other can't.
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