Have you heard this one? Kristen says fame is like being "Raped." Said comment was made during an interview she recently did with British Elle.
She said - and I quote - the following about the paparazzi:
"the photos are so... I feel like I'm looking at someone being raped. A lot of the time I can't handle it." She continues, "What you don't see are the cameras shoved in my face and the bizarre intrusive questions being asked, or the people falling over themselves, screaming and taunting to get a reaction."
I feel sooooo bad for you K-Stew. Oh the humanity! the horror! You're right, having the paparazzi taking your picture is exactly like being raped. Totally 100% exactly like being raped.
Is she fucking kidding me?? I can see you saying its rude, annoying, scary even, but likening it to being fucking raped? She's a fucking idiot.
How dare you say something like that. Have you ever actually been raped? Maybe you should sit down with a few people who have and swap stories, I'm sure you would only get 30 seconds into your story before an actual rape victim lunged for your throat.
Get over yourself. What the fuck did you think when you became an actress?! Have you never flipped through one gossip rag? Those are all paparazzi photos. This is what happens when you become famous. People want to take your picture, want to get your autograph. And take note, the minute they stop taking your picture your not relevant anymore.
If you don't like it, quit. Go back to what ever rock you crawled out from under and we would be happy to never hear from you again. Especially when stupid shit like this spews out of your mouth.
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