Let me explain as I'm sure your at the edge of your seat like I just told you I cracked the Lindbergh baby case.
You know how your not allowed to have your phone, laptop, iPod, basically any electronic devices on during take off and landing? Becuase it screws with the controls, well who really fucking knows what it is messing with we are just all under the impression if any of this crap is on we will crash and die.
or end up on lost which in my opinion would be fantastic. anywhoo I digress..
Well, well, well guess what? my iPhone was NOT in airplane mode AND I was listening to music the moment I got on the plane till I stepped off.
So what the fuck?? why make us suffer without music or entertainment when we are sitting on the runway for what could be an hour or more to take off or for the last 20 minutes of the flight during the descent?
Because they are assholes that's why. Correction, they are assholes with a little bit of power over you and are miserable themselves so they want to make you miserable too.
But we all let them be assholes and make us miserable right? Why? because we are afraid that if our seat isn't upright, our tray table isn't in the lock position or we have our phone on they will send the US marshall after our ass and we will be put on the no fly list.
They can go to hell, I say. Lets all band together on this one. I betcha if every single person on every single flight got together and blatantly disobeyed the flight crew they would have no choice but to get rid of that stupid rule. It could be a modern day hands across America or some shit like that.
But your not going to do it are you? You're gonna pussy out right? Of course you are.
I don't know why I bother.
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