Saturday, August 7, 2010


This just freaks me out.

Standing on the corner yesterday afternoon with my friend waiting for another who was taking care of business in the bank and there was this guy standing behind us off to the side taking pictures with his crackberry. I think ok you're taking pictures of gourmet garage - weird but whatev. Little did I know he was taking pictures of me!

ewwwwww. I don't like that. I was wondering why there was a girl walking into the bank looking at him and laughing.

When my other friend came out she was laughing and proceeded to tell us that the girls that walked into the bank were saying that he was acting like he was taking random pictures but he was taking a bunch of me!

WTF? WTF?! Why are you taking pictures of me?? Now yes granted I take pictures of people and then sometimes post them on Facebook or here making fun, but that's warranted. The fashion faux paus (I have no idea if that is spelled right) make for good fodder.

This guy is probably going to jerk off to it. ewwwww. Is it going to end up on a blog somewhere? Is it going to be all over the interweb now? Jesus Christ. Why was he taking a fucking picture of me? I don't like this at all.

It makes me feel dirty. Or used in some weird way. And I don't like that. Don't take my fucking picture. I hate getting my picture taken. I always look like crap. I never come out good at all and I always have to give approval or it immediately gets deleted.

This really pisses me off.

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