Saturday, August 7, 2010

I couldn't make this shit up even if I tried.

Sigh. Why does this always happen to me?

I was stepping onto the train today and some guy says hello to me - a fat ugly guy to be exact - I rudely ignore him and sit down. Mother fucker then has the balls to sit down next to me and seductively say "you know that's technically not a shirt your wearing."


Side note, I am wearing a fucking shirt. A loose tank top that has big open arm holes. So yes you see some side of skin and bra and I usually do wear a tank top underneath but its hot as balls out and well I don't give a fuck. I'm covered.

I respond "well technically your a fat fuck who has no business talking to me. Say another word and I will cut out your tongue."

Granted my response took this little exchange to the next level. But I was right - he had no business talking to me. And I had to shut this shit down completely. I'm not saying I'm gorgeous but I definitely can do better than some fat ugly balding nerdy guy. I can and I do thank you very much. It just really annoys me that some people think its ok to just come up and talk to you out of no where. No - what really annoyed me was that this fuck thought for some reason I might have giggled and flirted back. Even if it he was hot that is some random, lamo BS to say to a girl and I would have probably just rolled my eyes and said "that's nice."

Now after I slammed him with my witty come back I new there could have been trouble. He wasn't happy but what ensued probably saved me from getting slapped. Every single person on the train started hysterical laughing. Which caused him to get up an sulk away.

Listen up people! Don't try to catch a fish that is way out of your league It's never going to happen unless you have lots of money, then all you catch is a gold digging whore with herpes.

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