Wednesday, August 4, 2010


As I sit on my couch this morning (as every morning) emailing clients trying to get a jump start on my day I listen to the morning news.

And I just heard something that shocked me - well I guess if you think about it its not that shocking actually....

72 million Americans are considered obese. So that mean 1 out of 3 people are fat bastards. Now I know what you are thinking, you're thinking "whoa, whoa! I see fat people on the streets but its not at a 1 to 3 ratio." That's because most of you reading this are living in NYC. Most people in NYC don't eat. And more importantly we are too vain and superficial to get fat.

Most every other state outside of New York are full of fatties. Think about it, you drive around any other state - mainly the south or mid west - all you see are unhealthy places to eat, they drive everywhere so they are not getting excersize (I can never spell that word correctly) by at least walking, there aren't gyms on every other corner and they fry every piece of food that they shove into their pieholes.

I was thinking about making this post mean, bashing obese people but honestly, this isn't healthy. Obese people are a staircase away from a heart attack.

And that's just sad. For them not me.

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