Friday, April 9, 2010

Yeah that's right

I'm home tonight cleaning, blogging and watching LOST..... I don't want to hear it. I played all week and got lots of shit done tonight. I mean GOD DAMN I caught up with LOST tonight. AND THAT EPSIODE WAS FUCKING WORTH NOT GOING OUT.

So fuck off with the judgement. That's my job. I cleaned my place, got all my laundry done, paid bills and watched LOST (OMG SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING GOOD) and you don't know how busy I am tomorrow.

I was bad enough last night to cover two nights out. :) I mean come on, I got home last night this morning. Its not my fault I had to make fun for myself cause Brooklyn bowl was too hipster for me....

The moral of this story? Sometimes its better to stay in and enjoy what you have than creating something that makes you happy for one night.

Because more often than not you would prefer to wake up in your own bed.....

p.s. that photo is my view (if you look to the left) bitches


Ummm....didn't I have a doll of you as a kid?

RAGETTY ANN!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss you! Where have you've been since I was 8 and stopped playing with you??? Oh seeing this picture makes me miss you sooooooooooooooo much!!

Where do I start?

This is all sorts of wrong. I mean seriously you are just asking for a blog post by wearing this shit. Seamed stockings with mom jean shorts? Oh man its just too easy.

Say it with me, you are retarded.

I get it, you're thinking you're all sexy with short shorts and seamed stockings. Let me explain where this went wrong.

#1 You're seams aren't straight
#2 You're wearing mom jean shorts
#3 You're wearing shorts with stockings
#4 (which is not seen in this photo) you are wearing FUCKING FLATS.

Flats fucking suck. End of discussion. Anyone who knows me or reads this knows I have no respect for flats. I live in heels (duh how could you not?) You know this one looked in a mirror thinking she looked all cute. I'm sure to a hipster douchebag she did (but do you want to really want to be cute to a dipster??) Ugh the seams aren't straight and you have a flat ass in mom jeans.

Stockings with seams must always be straight. ALWAYS. And they are to be worn with a dress and heels. That's the only way to rock them, with a sexy, secretary-like dress and 3-4" heels.

You, wierdo chick where I got my salad the other day really pissed me off. I almost didn't eat my lunch. Almost.


I'm Back Bitches!

Yes, Yes I know I have been away for so long. Well guess what? I'm back. I'm sorry I've been away, I had do take care of the little things like a divorce, selling a house, crazy busy work shit..need I say more?

So get ready, because I'm on this now like a fly on shit...

can you handle it?
