Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Post of the Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

It is December 31st 2010. In 7 1/2 hours it will be a new year. What a year 2010 has been - well at least for me, and for those in my life and those who I don't know that read this blog you know all about what a whirlwind it has been. So since every show, paper, site is doing a top ten list for 2010 I thought my last post of the year would be something in that effect.

And not of the highs and lows of the world or the year in headlines but my world because hey - some good and bad shit has gone down. So here it all is the highs and lows of 2010 for me in no particular order:

High - Snagging a french model. Whom I still date when he is in the country. And have a good relationship with. God he's hot.

Low - Getting stranded in San Diego. I never blogged about this. But close friends know the story of how I visited my brother in SD for a weekend and we got into a fight before dinner and he left me stranded. I had to walk back to the hotel, thank god I had my iphone with google maps.

High - Getting 7 tattoos in one year. If that doesn't clinch my rockstar status, I don't know what will.

Low - In one weekend my bed got peed in (not by me) and I ruined it with the sexy brit. Which I then ate shit and apologized in a post. I still I would have ruined it eventually.

High - My new job. And the discount I get. Nuff said.

Low - Thinking a guy was going to kill me because I offered to call in the dinner order.

High - The rockstar weekend Court and I had. That was amazing. How we survived that I have no idea. Probably the fact that during the day we laid on my roof and drank gatorade.

Low - The day I almost lost it being single. One night I didn't have plans and it nearly drove me to the brink of loneliness and despair.

Now no more lows...whats the point?

High - The complete opposite of that, I am completely happy to spend this day alone.

High - The day I moved into my new apt.

High - The day I got my divorce papers.

High - When I got rid of the one negative friend in my life. Whom I still dearly love and miss on the daily.

High - The chip bowl. If you ever come to my place you will experience it. It is heaven.

High - Every day is a high. Every day is good. Every day I give and get love.

I wish for all of you that last high. That every day in 2011 is a high, is good and you give and get love. That you enjoy every second of every day. A wise woman once said "life is temporary." It most certainly is. Treat this new year as your last and live life to the fullest through the highs and lows. Because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and after every storm is a rainbow.

Have a safe and happy fucking new year. Trust me, next year is gonna be better.



Apparently I am narcissistic now. All courtesy of - you guessed it! - the "anonymous commenter." Now I am not sure if I am a narcissistic sociopath, or if Mr Pathetic realizes the err of his ways and deems me now only narcissistic and I am no longer a sociopath.

Here is the definition of narcissism:
Narcissism is the personality trait of egotism, vanity, conceit, or simple selfishness. Applied to a social group, it is sometimes used to denote elitism or an indifference to the plight of others.

Ok, now I hashed this out with my mother - whom as we all know knows everything that goes on in my life. In her opinion (which is all that really fucking matters in my life) I am by no means a sociopath and if this person thinks I am one then they are indeed a pathetic loser. But she did agree that I am slightly narcissistic - which I am allowed to be - and in only one case. When it comes to men.

I am not selfish nor do I think I am better than any single one person that I care about that is a family member or a friend. Not by any means. I do not think that way at all. There is no point to that in my mind. I do not have an ego, nor am I conceited. Do I think I'm ugly? Fuck no, but I am not conceited.

But, why can't I be selfish with what I want when it comes to a relationship? But more importantly why shouldn't anyone? Why can't we go out with someone a few times and decide, this person is not good enough for me? Which in effect is saying you are better then them whether it is because of a moral code or you don't think they are good looking enough for you, or they are lazy, or you don't think that what they do for a living equals your work or isn't at a level that you feel it should be at if you are going to be with them?

I had a life of selflessness. I was not selfish in any way and gave my life up for someone. And if I found the right person again I would be the same way. But I'll tell you one god damn thing, fuck yes I am selfish right now and if I meet someone even if I like them, until there is a long enough period of dating along with a "we are exclusive" conversation, no fucking way am I not going to do what I want to do all the while blogging about it and making sure I am having fun.

Because at the end of the day, if we are not fucking happy then something ain't working right. And sometimes to ensure your happiness you need to be selfish, though in my case lets call it narcissistic.

And let me repeat myself again, because apparently it wasn't clear the first time I said it. I know exactly who you are, and at this point you are becoming a joke. No one just happens on this blog, and no one would post any of these comments on my posts if they weren't some pathetic desperate poor excuse for a man that at this point is acting like a pussy girl. You decided to get your panties in a twist over my posts. For no good reason, why because you felt you were being used for sex? Or felt that I couldn't fuck or see other people after only seeing you a few days? Please. Now I really really suggest you move on and stop posting your twatty bitchy comments, because do not think I will not get really pissed off and blast out your full name, address and phone number on here and facebook.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hey Anonymous Commenter! This one's for you

Apparently some "random anonymous" person "just happened to stumble on my blog" the other day and had a comment to my post about never ever telling a guy that I am seeing the url to this site. And quite weirdo the comment it was:

Wow, stumbled upon this blog the other day, and I'm just sayin' --> PrepareToBeJudged yourself. "

So I click the link curious and......Its a profile of a sociopath! Seriously? Really?! A little much no?

Now here's the thing "anonymous" you are most definitely not "anonymous" I firmly believe I know exactly who you are. You are someone I ran through. I believe you are the person that asked me not to blog about them in anyway. The one guy I gave the url to. Because see, any normal person not associated with me, and more so a normal person who is associated with me, would not under any circumstances view that post as written by a sociopath. Or view me as a sociopath.

But a pathetic man who can not handle what I put out there would. Because it makes it easy to excuse their own weaknesses.

So lets be real clear here, as to what I am. Sociopath? no, player? yes, I am a man in a cute little blondes body that gets bored easily. One who does want a relationship but is extremely picky. As I should be. If all I like someone for is sex, than that's all it will ever be.

Ted Bundy, Susan Smith, John Wayne Gacy I am most certainly not and to accuse as such is pathetic. Feel free to stay off this blog and put me on your do not call list.

Don't hate the player hate the game, and hate the fact that you fell for it.

The only time I want a boyfriend....

Is days like today - when I wake up with the full blown flu. I knew I was getting it Tuesday night but did that stop me from going out last night? Noooooooooo. Don't be crazy! Let's weigh the options...

going out with a friend you haven't seen in forever vs. going home and sleeping so that you don't get worse.

I mean the answer is obvious no? Of course the former is what I did! How could I not? My favorite dive bar where we always did happy hour is closing for good tomorrow and we had to have last drinks there. Anyway I digress...

The only time I want a boyfriend is when I am sick. Its tough being single and sick, I mean who is going to take care of you? And me, I am a total baby when I am sick. But really who isn't? I really thought sleeping for 15 hours would kill it. I then considered going to the gym to sweat it out (to which my mother basically in a nutshell called me an idiot) but I realized quickly that I probably wouldn't make it down the block without passing out.

The worse thing about all this? I have absolutely no food in my house, not even a can of soup or chicken broth (seriously my fridge contents are - condiments, southern comfort, beer and water) so at some point I will have to shower and go get food. But if I had a boyfriend he could get me food.

Sigh. Who am I kidding I will want a boyfriend today and tomorrow and then by Saturday be glad I don't have one.

I'm going to do a shot of NyQuil and call it a day.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dear My Chemical Romance,

Let me be the first to congratulate you on jumping the shark.

Your single "sing" fucking sucks.

Big dick - HUGE!- it sucks....FYI....

That's my Christmas present to you from me - which I don't want to give but you're welcome... you suck and jumped the shark. At this point in your career you can stop playing music. And no one will mind. That's how much it sucks (though I hated you before this post. It is just now reinforced.).

Thanks so much for putting it out there and then cock teasing me into thinking that just because your video is on MTVHITS its going be good.

I was sorely mistaken.

Dicks. :)

A little piece of advice...

"Don't stop fucking your tattoo artist until you're done getting just wind up paying...and it's more fun paying in sex."

--- Me. Though maybe next time when I get it filled in I won't have to pay..........hmmmmmm.......

I know, I know...

I have been neglecting you. I'm sorry. But seriously all the dating, and work, and boys, and gym, and work and boys....

I don't have time to blog. But I promise I will blog 2x a day from here on in. MINIMUM. Once in the morning and once at night. MINIMUM.

There are three good posts below for you....

Remind me to..

Never, ever, ever! tell a guy that I am dating my url for this blog....

I don't like being told not to blog about someone, and I don't like trying to not blog about things that might make someone uncomfortable. Or awkward. Or jealous. Or question me. I don't like questions.....

I'm usually good with this, I might tell a guy I am dating that I blog but never give it up (the site name that is) but I did recently and well.....

I'm sure what I put out here will ruin it, but whateves, if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen (specifically mine). It's my life and I will put it out there its my first amendment right no?

And plus that's my MO, to ruin shit just when it gets good. Oh well...

I guess at the end of the day, the man that I end up with will be able to read about my past (or current) rants/antics and put up with them.

If not......later babe.

I love telling the stories

Of how I meet my men. Even if I have told it numerous times....I was able to tell one today actually. One of my favorites... And it was pretty awesome as to how I was able to start that conversation.....

I was at work talking to a girl that I work with (as opposed to bullshitting on the phone with a friend which I do not do ever [hmmmm mmmmm]) about what I needed from her for an upcoming we are bullshitting I start flipping through the NYT. Not to read it but to see if we have a 2x7 ad printed. We did not, but there was a Brioni ad....And I dated - well kinda date - the model (french model - natch) that always is in their ads.

I pick up the paper as I am in mid sentence and say "I'm dating him, well we date when he is in the country." She then snatched the main news out of my hand and looked at the ad, then looked at me, then looked at the ad, then looked at me and said..."that makes did you meet him?"

Intrigued by the "that makes sense" comment I proceed to tell her the story...Its a pretty good one, which I won't go into detail, but summary is this...:

"You're Beautiful (in a french accent)"
"Uh-huh, please save your game, I'm cute, got cute down pat, Go chat up someone else"

I avoided him the whole party in a sense, (which he was there 15 minutes of) but couldn't avoid him when he followed me out for a cigarette, then spent a weekend with him and when he is in town - not shooting campaigns or being shot for campaigns we go out on dates...That's the short version. The long version of course is better.

But I tell you, its nice to pick up a paper or magazine and see someone you've been with that some people would say is out of your league and gloat.

After I told the story I say "why does that make sense to you?" The response was this...:

"Because you don't give a fuck, and you are hot whether you like it or not, and a guy like that wants to be with someone who doesn't want or need them. And your it."

"My mother said pretty much the same thing."

"She's a smart lady"

"Damn fucking straight."

Did I ever tell you the story....?

Of when I thought a guy I was dating was going to kill me? No? Really? huh. Well here it goes....

This happened on Halloween weekend (I know I's been too long of me not blogging, sorry, with the dating and the new job and the sex....well you know...)

It was the day after Halloween, and this guy I was dating for a bit wanted me to come over for dinner and spend the night. Granted he lives in the UES (ick) but I work with a girl that lives two blocks away and we were going to commute in, plus, he spent many a night at my place so I was returning the favor.

I arrived and know (I mean the sexual chemistry between us was insane, we couldn't not be in each others presence for more than 5 minutes without tearing off each others clothes) afterward he said, "when you have a sec come down and look at the menu and I will order food." No problem, I go downstairs and he is placing the order online. Now he picked this place because I requested for dinner a salad and fries (what better dinner?) I go on the site and the following ensues:

"hmmmm, they don't have fries.."
"They don't?"
"No, it's cool I will just get a quesadilla instead."
"Watch out let me look."

Now I'm like, "dude i'm not an idiot, I practically invented the interweb" but I don't say anything. He then accepts the fact that there is no fries and then says:

"What do you want to drink?"
"Nothing, tap water is fine."
"K, I want a bottled water, hmmmm why is there no drinks listed?"
"Really? That's weird."
"Well maybe there is something wrong with the site. Why don't you give me the number and I will call them and place the order?"
"No." (not very nice btw)
"Huh? Whaddya mean? Its no biggie I'll just call them and place it and they will have bottled water, its probably the site."

He looked up from the computer screen and gave me a look that no man has ever given me (even my ex when I would verbally eviscerate him) one that clearly sent alarm bells screaming "get out! get out of this house!" the moment we locked eyes. That this man wanted to punch me in the face.
Now you may say a punch? Well that's hardly killing you...well that's up for discussion, if a guy hits me I am hitting the ground and cracking my head open, so death, yea that's pretty close. After I got the death look he responded "I. fucking. said. no."

Weird right?? Granted I saw some aggressive behavior in bed (who doesn't like that? Tell me? None you reading this) but out of bed, not hot at all.


I quietly went upstairs and starting getting dressed. He comes up and is all "what are you doing?" I am now in survival mode, not giving him my back, watching his every move, trying to not make any false moves and being calm. I respond "ooh just getting dressed....whats your problem?"

I am then told the following in no particular order: "this is my house and my rules and if you don' like it go, you were being a complete and utter bitch downstairs, oh don't give me your tears (I admit I did start crying. Why? well fucking duh, tears are the best weapon against a guy and I seriously thought I was not making it out of that house alive) "go ahead say something stupid to ruin this, blah blah blah."

He goes downstairs, I finish getting dressed and hightail it out of there. Literally ran down the stairs without my shoes - I didn't want him catching me.

Now the story doesn't end there. A week later at 8:00am I get the following text:

"Missing your hot little cunt"

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME. I of course do not let this go. You who know me know I must get in the last word. The following texting ensued:

"That's nice. get used to missing it because you're never seeing it again."
"you can't actually be surprise by my response considering how you treated me the last time I saw you."
"You were a total bitch the last time you saw me. You were in a bad mood walking in the door. Should have fucked you harder."


"I was not a total bitch and you treating me like a fucking asshole and being a dick because I offered to call the restaurant and place the order is uncalled for. I see you as a narcisstic controlling as who thinks women have no right to disagree or have their own opinion and want nothing to do with you do not contact me again."

Pretty clear right? Apparently not. Which brings me to the reason why I am posting this now....Mother fucker texted me last week!

"Yesterday was my birthday and I didn't get what I wanted as a present."
"really :'("
"I don't even know how to respond to this."
"You can respond by saying that you will give me my present."
"Or I can remind you of the fact that your an asshole and want nothing to do with you especially because you have yet to apologize for being a shit to me."
"I'm sorry for being a shit to you baby."

Now, how fucked am I that at that point I wasn't like....well.....Why you ask? Because he's an asshole, and at the end of the day I like assholes...its easier. No strings and some hope they will change but you know they won't and you really don't want a relationship...ugh whatever it makes sense in my head... Steve anyone? (That one's for you Alicia). But don't worry I put the kibosh on this shit. I do have moments of clarity and sanity...

"That's nice. I thought I was clear when I said do not contact me again. At this point I view this as harassment and all the men in my family that are cops will have no problem harassing you at both your home and office."

I don't think I will hear from him again. Maybe, hopefully...not.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Oh Children, They have so much to learn.

So recently I went out to brunch with a good friend of mine. One that I haven't seen in ages so of course the first hour is bullshitting over drinks catching up, talking about work, boys, what we are doing for the holidays, blah blah blah. While on the topic of boys, we realize children have so much to learn. And when I say children I mean anyone under the age of 25...

I start telling her a story of the night before, that I went to a party for my gym that is closing - well becoming an Equinox - and while there after dancing for hours and having a few drinks a boy caught my eye. I go outside to smoke a cigarette and we start chatting. We continue to chat inside and at some point he tells me he is 21.

Now, I thought he was cute but I did at that point stop and think "hmmmm....21? That's a little young even for me..." So you know what happened next right?

I totally made out with him. I know, you're shocked.

It was cold and started to rain, and I didn't have an umbrella so he gave me his hat and scarf.

Say it with me now ...... "awwwww"

Of course I was a little embarrassed that I made out with the child, but what the hell right?

So this prompted my friend to tell me a story about her encounter with a child.

She met a 24 year old and went home with him. The next day she had to do the walk of shame. So she borrowed a pair of his track pants (adidas - natch) and went home.

He texted the next day or two. Not to say hi or I'd like to see you again...but... to ask for his pants back! She didn't respond and then two days later he texted her again...wait for it....wait for ask for his pants back...again! She deleted it again.

We are of course at this point hysterical laughing saying "doesn't he know the rules?!"

The rules? You ask? Yes the rules. There are a few but here is the main rule:

Any guy that gives a girl a piece of clothing can not expect it back. Why? Because he will never get it back. Nope. Never. Here we go boys.... if you give a girl a piece a clothing whether it be a hat, scarf, pants, t-shirt, etc you will never get it back. N-E-V-E-R.

Now most men (and when I say men I mean guys over 25) know this. Children don't.

He texted her 2 weeks later to say "um seriously, can I get my pants back?" Not just once but 5-6 times.

hahahahahahahahaaha she totally deleted every message he sent.

Suffice to say we had a good chuckle about that. But here is the best part, that night after brunch, the 21 year old texted me to say "hey do you think I can get my hat and scarf back soon?"

I couldn't help but laugh. I of course started hysterical laughing text it to my day she responded "Oh children, they have so much to learn!"

yes. yes they do.