Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stupidest conversation I heard all week

Now yes it is early in the week so I am sure that I will overhear something stupider at some point but for now this is crowned the stupidest of the week.

I was walking to get lunch the other day and this woman, I mean mammoth, no no let me be nice - big (very big) lady says the following:

"I only have one pair of heels, and I spent $80 on them, the most I have ever spent on shoes."

Lets break down this sentence in two parts:

#1 - "I only have one pair of heels"

What. the. fuck. Seriously, what. the. fuck. How do you have only one pair of heels?? ONE?? And let me guess their ugly and black and go with nothing (or for you everything.). Minimum # of heels one woman should have is 15. BARE MINIMUM. I don't know, maybe her ankles would break under the 300lbs + weight they would have to support. But still doesn't she know heels are slimming?

#2 - "I spent $80 on them, the most I have ever spent on shoes."

Le sigh. Le fucking sigh. Really? Where the fuck are you shopping for all of your shoes?? Payless? I mean sure you can hit a good sale from time to time, but that is the most, EVER? $80?

Jesus, well I guess she rolls out the dough for food and not important things like shoes or clothes.

Granted this all came out of the mouth of a 300+lb reebook and acid wash jeans wearing chick so I guess it makes sense. But I think if she spent some money on shoes (or non acid wash jeans) she would start taking care of herself and want nicer things that only come in small sizes..

Who am I kidding? she'll be buried in that outfit.

This is why I am a full supported of having a real deal fashion police.

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