Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I guess worse things could happen?

Soooooo I have had a few mini freak outs the past two weeks jeans.....

Let me explain. I have about thirty (yes thirty) pairs of jeans. And only 3 fit. Three! Did you hear me? THREE! I have upped one pant size. A full pant size! I think, I'm not fully sure, all I know is that my skinny jeans stop mid thigh. And I know what the culprit is.....spinning.

That's right spinning. As you know, I am addicted to spin. How could I not? Have you seen my ass? If not, you should. I mean, I have not heard one complaint on my ass, quite the contrary in fact....but still, A whole pants size? EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!

It's been quite the dilemma for me, I mean at the end of the day I am a girl. No girl wants to have to go up in a pants size. And true, this fall season was all about skirts and dresses, but there are times where I am going to want to wear jeans you know? So I have considered stopping spinning for a while and just run not spin at all. But if I did that you wouldn't be able to bounce a quarter off my ass....and yes granted I was too thin. I mean size 24/25? borderline anorexic. What's the harm in going to a 26?

I'll tell you the harm. Buying a shit load of jeans - and my jeans are not cheap. Seven for mankind only dears (they're the only ones that fit right ok?). Also the mental mindfuck of being a girl and having to try on a larger size - no matter what size.

Anyfatasswhoo they have changed the spin schedule at the gym and I am starting a new job on Monday so I will (at least for a little while) only be able to spin 3x a week so I have picked up running as well. I mean I gotta get my cardio in, I don't want my bum to flatten out, but honey it can't get any bigger.

My cousin has nick named me Lance - for Lance Armstrong - for all the spinning I have done. I don't find it funny, again no girl wants to go up a pant size even if it is because she is gaining muscle.

But I made my decision today on what I am going to do. It is all summed up by the following conversation that I had at the gym with my bestie Mr. Means (Mr Lawyer he doesn't care if I use his name FYI):

"So I have decided I am just going to buy all new jeans."

- me

"Well yea gurl, you're looking good, whatcha gonna stop and get all saggy ass and be too thin??"

- Mr. Means

(don't think I didn't consider this as an option, or dieting.)

"I know, I like my ass, it looks good so fuck it. New Jeans it is."

- me

American Express is going to fucking love me this weekend as will the Seven store on Bleeker.

1 comment:

  1. yay for new jeans! all the way! don't go back to size 24/25. saggy = bad
