Saturday, October 23, 2010

Is it bad to sleep with two guys in one night?

OK, technically yes it was one night, but it was two different days. Not following me? Here we go...

I met up with the old standard (I know, I know I ended that over that hellish labor day weekend but he reached out to me and as we all know... I'm an addict to him. I won't text him but if he texts me, I can't say no) on Saturday at 10pm. To my credit, I did treat him like a piece of meat (natch!) and then left for a "birthday party" - and when I say birthday party I mean the guy who has a butler (see the post below.)

Now this was the first time I was meeting the butler. I had no intention on doing anything. But.....what can I say? I'm a whore from time to time.

But when I banged butler guy it was 4am on Sunday. A totally different day. So technically its two different days right? I mean what can I say? There was no way I wasn't banging ol' standard and butler guy kinda grew on me after the first impression of - this guy is too straight for me wore off.

I mean seriously I was wearing thigh high boots. Totally pretty woman'd out. How could I not?

Yes it was bad even for me. But fuck that shit, I went 10 years with someone and had no sex. I'm having fun, taking names and making no excuse for it.

Don't hate. Congratulate.

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