Thursday, December 23, 2010

Oh Children, They have so much to learn.

So recently I went out to brunch with a good friend of mine. One that I haven't seen in ages so of course the first hour is bullshitting over drinks catching up, talking about work, boys, what we are doing for the holidays, blah blah blah. While on the topic of boys, we realize children have so much to learn. And when I say children I mean anyone under the age of 25...

I start telling her a story of the night before, that I went to a party for my gym that is closing - well becoming an Equinox - and while there after dancing for hours and having a few drinks a boy caught my eye. I go outside to smoke a cigarette and we start chatting. We continue to chat inside and at some point he tells me he is 21.

Now, I thought he was cute but I did at that point stop and think "hmmmm....21? That's a little young even for me..." So you know what happened next right?

I totally made out with him. I know, you're shocked.

It was cold and started to rain, and I didn't have an umbrella so he gave me his hat and scarf.

Say it with me now ...... "awwwww"

Of course I was a little embarrassed that I made out with the child, but what the hell right?

So this prompted my friend to tell me a story about her encounter with a child.

She met a 24 year old and went home with him. The next day she had to do the walk of shame. So she borrowed a pair of his track pants (adidas - natch) and went home.

He texted the next day or two. Not to say hi or I'd like to see you again...but... to ask for his pants back! She didn't respond and then two days later he texted her again...wait for it....wait for ask for his pants back...again! She deleted it again.

We are of course at this point hysterical laughing saying "doesn't he know the rules?!"

The rules? You ask? Yes the rules. There are a few but here is the main rule:

Any guy that gives a girl a piece of clothing can not expect it back. Why? Because he will never get it back. Nope. Never. Here we go boys.... if you give a girl a piece a clothing whether it be a hat, scarf, pants, t-shirt, etc you will never get it back. N-E-V-E-R.

Now most men (and when I say men I mean guys over 25) know this. Children don't.

He texted her 2 weeks later to say "um seriously, can I get my pants back?" Not just once but 5-6 times.

hahahahahahahahaaha she totally deleted every message he sent.

Suffice to say we had a good chuckle about that. But here is the best part, that night after brunch, the 21 year old texted me to say "hey do you think I can get my hat and scarf back soon?"

I couldn't help but laugh. I of course started hysterical laughing text it to my day she responded "Oh children, they have so much to learn!"

yes. yes they do.

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