Friday, December 31, 2010


Apparently I am narcissistic now. All courtesy of - you guessed it! - the "anonymous commenter." Now I am not sure if I am a narcissistic sociopath, or if Mr Pathetic realizes the err of his ways and deems me now only narcissistic and I am no longer a sociopath.

Here is the definition of narcissism:
Narcissism is the personality trait of egotism, vanity, conceit, or simple selfishness. Applied to a social group, it is sometimes used to denote elitism or an indifference to the plight of others.

Ok, now I hashed this out with my mother - whom as we all know knows everything that goes on in my life. In her opinion (which is all that really fucking matters in my life) I am by no means a sociopath and if this person thinks I am one then they are indeed a pathetic loser. But she did agree that I am slightly narcissistic - which I am allowed to be - and in only one case. When it comes to men.

I am not selfish nor do I think I am better than any single one person that I care about that is a family member or a friend. Not by any means. I do not think that way at all. There is no point to that in my mind. I do not have an ego, nor am I conceited. Do I think I'm ugly? Fuck no, but I am not conceited.

But, why can't I be selfish with what I want when it comes to a relationship? But more importantly why shouldn't anyone? Why can't we go out with someone a few times and decide, this person is not good enough for me? Which in effect is saying you are better then them whether it is because of a moral code or you don't think they are good looking enough for you, or they are lazy, or you don't think that what they do for a living equals your work or isn't at a level that you feel it should be at if you are going to be with them?

I had a life of selflessness. I was not selfish in any way and gave my life up for someone. And if I found the right person again I would be the same way. But I'll tell you one god damn thing, fuck yes I am selfish right now and if I meet someone even if I like them, until there is a long enough period of dating along with a "we are exclusive" conversation, no fucking way am I not going to do what I want to do all the while blogging about it and making sure I am having fun.

Because at the end of the day, if we are not fucking happy then something ain't working right. And sometimes to ensure your happiness you need to be selfish, though in my case lets call it narcissistic.

And let me repeat myself again, because apparently it wasn't clear the first time I said it. I know exactly who you are, and at this point you are becoming a joke. No one just happens on this blog, and no one would post any of these comments on my posts if they weren't some pathetic desperate poor excuse for a man that at this point is acting like a pussy girl. You decided to get your panties in a twist over my posts. For no good reason, why because you felt you were being used for sex? Or felt that I couldn't fuck or see other people after only seeing you a few days? Please. Now I really really suggest you move on and stop posting your twatty bitchy comments, because do not think I will not get really pissed off and blast out your full name, address and phone number on here and facebook.

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