Monday, July 12, 2010

I mean did he really think I was going to come running?

Sometimes I wonder what is going on in the minds of guys. Is there any sort of thinking involved when dealing with women? Or is it more like there is no filter whatsoever from mind to mouth (or text)?

Let me give you an example:

Right before the 4th of July I went on a date with a guy, had a good time, drinks then dinner to be followed by after dinner drinks and then me going home. Saturday night I get a text from him - now over a week has gone by (for those keeping track) so I have pretty much written this guy off. I figure OK he didn't have a good time ( I mean seriously how could he not? but I digress) and I will never hear from him again. So imagine my surprise when I wake up Sunday morning to a text that reads:

"Do you want to come over tonight?"

Now this text was sent at 4:09 am. So when I wake up bleary eyed I wonder; did this person expect me to come over at 4:00am? Or is he making plans for Sunday night? Because most people do not make plans at 4:00 in the fucking morning.

I'll admit I was perturbed by this text. For a few reasons, cause see, I didn't have sex with this person so why does he think that all of a sudden he can turn me into a booty call? There are certain relationships that are booty calls and start out that way - and there is nothing wrong with that - I have a couple myself which are really good sex with people I can have a conversation with afterward and there are no strings.

But this one did not start out this way. This was a date. What the fuck is this kid thinking? Maybe he wasn't. Maybe he was wasted, maybe it was a mass text, who knows but for shit sure you don't text a girl a week and a half later with the classic romantic line of "do you want to come over tonight?" I mean Jesus I was horny too Saturday night and lord did I try to get laid. In all honesty he would have totally gotten me over there if he texted at 11pm saying hello first then asking if I wanted to come over and then I would have been fine this will be just sex.

Jesus men are fucking stupid sometimes no? I mean not all but most. 98% i'll say? I have no problem being used for sex (or using people for sex) but lets not be so fucking blatant about it okay?

Would you like to hear my response? Its quality really:

"You have got to be kidding me."

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