Thursday, July 22, 2010

Is it lame?

To already start thinking of excuses to get out of having drinks with a friend tonight?

Ugh, I mean I wanna go but honestly? I rather come home and clean my apartment. Seriously. Its a fucking mess. I wanted to clean last night but that wasn't happening since I got home from work at 10.

I mean sure its Thursday and everyone will be out so it would be fun, and I haven't seen my girlfriend in a while and it would be great to catch up, but I don't want to be hungover tomorrow. If it was a Friday there would be no dispute I would not be acting like a baby right now.

Hmmm...I feel bad lying, like saying I'm not feeling well (only cause you know I'll jinx myself and wake up feeling like I'm getting the flu AGAIN) or that I have to work late (because then I will really get fucked and wind up working till 11.). I could just tell the truth that I rather go home and clean and i'm not feeling up to it...but see people don't appreciate the truth. It would wind up hurting their feelings. And how do you tell someone "Nah can't make it I really just want to hit the gym and go home and clean."

You can't. I mean that's like a smack in the face. You don't tell that to a friend. To a guy you never want to hear from again? Totally.

Ok, I need to stop being a shit. I'll go, for a drink, maybe two. Be home by 10:30ish and get my 8 hours of sleep....

Famous last words right?

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